
We let go all the time,of feelings,of people,of fear.We let go because we want to,because we have to. Because at the end of the day,there is no choice.
We let go because if we don't...we'll never move on.
Is there any way to retrieve a message? It's got to be in, like, a memory bank or something somewhere. Well, where does it go? It's got to be a hard drive or-or a-a cloud or something. It doesn't just disappear!
Or it does disappear.
Or at the very least, I try to.
So, yeah, that's rough. But you know what got me through? The knowledge that I would outgrow all those feelings of insecurity and inadequacy and, at some point, I'd blossom into the secure, confident, kick-ass person I was always meant to be.
The thing about being an adult that no one tells you growing up is that you don't feel like an adult. All your stupid insecurities and anxieties are still there, only you feel even more stupid and insecure about being stupid and insecure because you're not supposed to be stupid and insecure any more. You're supposed to have the answers. You're supposed to know. There is good in my faults,there is language to love about, muss about, too.
But we don't always know. And those answers? They're not always easy to come by.
Hearts can know.
This is good for hearts can know.
Well, you know what?
I'm done feeling stupid and insecure about feeling stupid and insecure.
You're heading away.
So, thank you and goodbye.



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